Code of Conduct

As coaches our job is to create a positive learning environment suitable to members of all levels. As members our role is to follow the coaches lead and be respectful to all members.

We will conduct ourselves professionally on the mats.


1. Take every precaution to ensure the safety of fellow practitioners or competitors.

2. Conduct oneself in a positive manner, and never engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct.

3. Never attempt to improperly influence, intimidate or embarrass any members or coaches in anyway.

4. I will treat my fellow academy members, other competitors, coaches and officials with respect.

5. I will never use the skills I develop in Jiu-Jitsu in ways that would diminish the art, sport and Federation. Professors and Black Belt officials have even greater responsibilities.


Our Disciplinary Process:

Upon discovery of potential member or instructor misconduct. Flow State Martial Arts and Fitness (FSMAF) will direct an investigation, which may include interviews and information gathering from medical experts, law enforcement officers, and other relevant professionals. As appropriate, the affected member or instructor or his/her designee will also have the opportunity to provide information on the conduct at issue. Upon conclusion of the investigation, FSMAF will have full authority to impose disciplinary measures on the member or instructor as warranted in its sole discretion.

Discipline may take the form of suspension, and cessation of service and may include conditions to be to be satisfied prior to the resolution of the incident. Determination of the appropriate discipline for the incident will be based on the nature of the misconduct and other relevant factors.

Immediate disciplinary measures may be imposed, provided that following a full investigation of the incident. FSMAF may review the measures and make appropriate adjustments. Unless the incident involves significant harm, a first offense will generally not result in immediate disciplinary measure until an investigation has been completed.

Previous violations of FSMAF policy may be taken into consideration in making disciplinary determinations and may result in immediate disciplinary action. Misconduct occurring prior to a member’s or instructor’s provision of affiliation with FSMAF may also be considered.
While criminal activity by an affiliated FSMAF member or instructor is clearly detrimental to the reputation of FSMAF and therefore subjects the ember or instructor to discipline, other conduct can also result in disciplinary action.

Discipline may be imposed for misconduct, which included without limitation, the following examples:

  • Criminal offenses including, but not limited to, those involving: the use or threat of violence; domestic violence and other forms of partner abuse; theft and other property crimes; sex offenses; obstruction or resisting arrest; disorderly conduct; fraud; racketeering; and money laundering;

  • Criminal offenses relating to performance-enhancing and prohibited substances, or substance abuse.

  • Conduct that imposes inherent danger to the safety or well being of another person.

  • Violent, threatening or harassing behavior.

  • Derogatory or offensive conduct, including without limitation, insulting language, symbols, or actions about a person’s ethnic background, heritage, color, race, national origin, age, religion, disability, gender or sexual orientation.

  • Inappropriate physical, verbal and online behavior (such as inappropriate statements made via e-mail, text messaging or social networks).

  • Conduct that undermines or puts at risk the Federation or Promotion of a JJGF event, including without limitation, failure to deliver, engage in or otherwise execute any and all promotional responsibilities.

  • Conduct that undermines or puts at risk the integrity and reputation of FSMAF.